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Welcome Senior Spokesmodels!

5 new faces

I recently posted that I was doing a model search for high school juniors and seniors…I had absolutely no idea if I would get one, five or fifty applications.  WOW!  Can I just say thank you for the overwhelming response and overflow of applications I received!!!  I cannot tell you how difficult it was looking through so many amazing applications and having to choose only five of them!  It felt impossible.  I am so impressed by all the wonderful teenage girls out there and all of your accomplishments thus far. I would have been honored to have any of  you represent my business!

I am so excited about the five girls I will be working with and even more excited about our upcoming shoot together!  Be looking for lots more of them in the future as I launch my brand new Senior Campaign!  Here they are, the five new faces of Christie Lynn Photography!!!

Miss Emma Aguilar is a Senior at Smyrna High and showed so much style and flare in her application.  She is just so cute and I am super excited to have her on my team.

Taylor Franklin is a Junior at Wilson Central. Taylor is on the Cheer team at WCHS and also President of her student class. In her spare time (not sure how she has any!) she loves doing Yoga! I am so excited to have Taylor on my team!

Hannah Spurlock is a Junior at Station Camp and a member of DECA. Hannah grabbed my attention because of her fun & quirky personality!  I have a feeling their won’t be a dull moment with Hannah around!

Kyla Rayner is a Junior at Mt. Juliet.  Kyla is just so down to earth and her sweet and honest personality is what I loved about her!  Kyla will be representing my very own High School, the big MJ, so thats exciting!

And Miss Victoria Dushek is a Senior at Lebanon High School!  She is just too cute, and look at those gorgeous blue eyes!  I could tell that she really wanted this opportunity and I am so happy to have her representing me at Lebanon High.

I am just so thrilled to have all five of these five lovely ladies on my team and that I could give them this wonderful opportunity as well. I can’t wait to meet them in person and see what fabulous things we put together for our upcoming shoot! Until then, as my little has been running around saying as I write this, toodles!  : )

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I am a lifestyle photographer who specializes in capturing life’s most precious moments and cuddling precious new bundles of joy! 

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